Simultaneity, 2005, acrylic on paper, 22.5" x 30"
Dogen, Shobogenzo, "Muchu Setsumu"
. . .To express a dream within a dream is the
ancient buddhas.
It is to ride in this treasure boat and directly
arrive in the practice place.
There are inner dreams.
Dream expressions.
Expressions of dreams.
And dreams inside.
Without being within a dream, there is no
expression of dreams.
Without expressing dreams, there is no being
with a dream.
Without expressing dreams, there are no
Without being within a dream, Buddhas do not
emerge and turn the wondrous dharma wheel.
Here is the encounter of a buddha with a Buddha
[in Buddhahood]:
The mystery of mysteries.
The wonder of mysteries.
The awakening of awakenings.
The headtop above the head.
The daily activity of buddha ancestors.
. . . A thing of suchness expresses the dream
within a dream.
A person of suchness expresses the dream within
a dream.
A person of no suchness expresses the dream
within a dream.
The manifesting body is the expression of the
dream within a dream.
The expression of dreams and of myriad aspects
of dharma are the expression of the dream
within the dream.
Taking hold and letting go are the expressions
of the dream within a dream.
Directly pointing to is expressing the dream.
Hitting the mark is expressing the dream.
When you take hold or let go you need to
study the common balancing scale [of the
When you attain balanced equilibrium you will
see the balance point.
Achieving balance does not depend on the
objects being weighed, the balancing scale, or on
the activity of weighing but just hangs on
Thus deeply consider, that without attaining
balance you do not experience solidity.
Just hanging on its own in emptiness, the
expression of the dream within a dream allows
objects to float free in emptiness.
Within emptiness, stable balance is manifested.
Stable balance is the great way of the balance
While suspending emptiness and suspending
objects, whether as emptiness or as forms,
expression of the dream within a dream
joins settled balancing.
There is no liberation other than expression of
the dream within a dream.
Thus the inexhaustibility of turning the head
and pivoting the brain [actualizing freedom] is
just your awakening of the dream within a
dream, identifying with and actualizing the
dream within a dream.