Markings On The Way
Based on a Taoist transmission of nonduality, Free and Easy Wandering tells the story of life unfolding
as quest-realization/realization-quest within Nature as a whole.
Earth Immortal
1992. acrylic on paper
25 1/4" x 38 1/4"
reconstructive realization-in-quest
Marking One. 1991
acrylic on paper
10.25" x 18.5"
Air Immortal
1992. acrylic on paper
25" x 37"
deconstructive quest-in-realization
Marking Four. 1991
acrylic on paper, 14" x 22"
Fire Immortal
1992. acrylic on paper
29" x 41"
deconstructive quest-in-realization
Oneness With Space
Marking Seven. 1993
acrylic on paper, 15" x 15"
Water Immortal
1992, acrylic on paper
25 1/4" 38 1/4"
reconstructive realization-in-quest
Being And Acting As The Creative Center Of The Universe
Marking NIne. 1993,
acrylic on paper, 18" x 18"